The London Borough of Islington has developed a free application that allows you to report graffiti, fly-tipping and dog fouling using your location and a photo of the offending article. According to the city council, the system is a new, faster and simpler way for residents to report everything from graffiti, dog fouling, potholes, damaged paving, litter, dumped waste and much more.
According to the Islington Gazette, the first results of the application are encouraging: the council’s executive member for environment and transport, Cllr Claudia Webbe, said: “We’ve had almost 2,000 reports of fly-tipping and other issues via the free Clean Islington app since it launched in March, and we average 14 new reports a day. It is the most effective way for residents to report rubbish in the borough.
Read more about the application and its use here.