Bucharest - October 2016: CITYCoP partners visited facilities of the Romanian National Police, to present details on the project and upcoming pilot activities to RNP, Municipal police and City of Bucharest officials.

Lisbon - February 2017: The CITYCoP team visited the Polícia de Segurança Pública headquarters, communications and emergency operations facilities. The team also had the opportunity to meet the Estrela parish mayor and received a demonstration of the “Geo Estrela” community application.

Florence - March 2017: The CITYCoP team visited the headquarters of the Polizia Municipale Firenze, where they were introduced to and received a detailed account of three heroic officers who had saved the life of a tourist who had jumped into the Arno river. The Polizia Municipale provided several presentations on their operations which provided very useful information for the development team and other law enforcement partners who were present.