The Florence CITYCoP Workshop aims at presenting and comparing relevant Community Policing programmes and initiatives among the project partners and represented countries. The presentations and the debate will focus on key aspects of Community Policing in successful experiences as well as on weak point and failures in the “real life” implementation in different “security cultures”. The workshop has the further objective to inform and suggest inputs to the CITYCoP App architecture in terms of functionalities, applicability and customization to local realities.
The Workshop is organized and hosted by the City Council of Florence in collaboration with the Italian National Research Council CNR, Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies - IRPPS and the Project Coordinator, University of Groningen - RUG. All the LEAs CITYCoP partners will take active participation and present their relevant experiences. The CITYCoP Technical group and the WP5 leader “Optimizing application and platform functionality to meet LEA and citizen requirements”will contribute with specific slots. The workshop in open to all LEAs and to relevant experiences in ICT application to urban security and citizens involvements.
Download the agenda.